Jim Stahl conducts business as Stahlvest, a registered investment advisor that designs and manages investment & insurance portfolios for individuals and estates, including qualified retirement plans for groups, business and non-profit. Important to the customer, Stahlvest is "buy side" (the buyers side) to represent the customer "best interest" when choosing retirement plan services or investments securities. Choose either a one-time Stahlvest analysis of your current plan or investments, or assign Stahlvest to manage your accounts at the brokerage firm of your choice.
Jim Stahl also is a Registered Representative for PKS Investments in Cumberland, MD. He and PKS together provide financial & insurance services with Jim as a specialist in retirement income planning. Jim has a solid business operator background before he joined Wall Street in 1985. He then interned and licensed as a Financial Consultant on Wall Street with the American Express Company, Shearson Lehman Hutton. Four years later Stahl became president of BGS&G Investments Services, Inc., a specialized broker-dealer investment firm serving business and municipal retirement plans and individual retirees. He remains a registered securities principal and a well-seasoned supervisor for broker-dealer and registered investment advisor firm financial services.
Call to compare bid or ask for your securities: tax-free municipal, corporate or government bonds, stocks, mutual funds, Bank CDs, retirement plan options, trust services, etc. It is worth your time.
quality investment
brokerage is a
bargain provided through Stahlvest with
PKS Investments.
Stahlvest may also manage
accounts held at other brokerage firms or banks.
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